Alexandros Kontogeorgakopoulos & Olivia Kotsifa | Artist talk
Alexandros Kontogeorgakopoulos: Creative Projects at the intersection of Art, Science, and Technology.
“This presentation is related to sound/media art and to digital musical instrument design. Creative coding, interaction design, and digital fabrication offer an open access medium for the new generation of artists, to develop their creative ideas and produce sonic artworks that manifest themselves both physically and digitally. The process of instrument making, composing and performing is finally merged into a single practice offering unprecedented potential and creative freedom in music making but also influencing and contributing to other areas of science and technology. Examples from my personal sonic works at the intersection of Art Science Technology will be presented.”
Olivia Kotsifa: Social and spatial impact using bits and atoms and co-design methodologies.
"Could new ways of collaborative engagement help to co-design/co-create structures for our public spaces? How can technology help us spend more time in outdoor public spaces? This talk will discuss design ideas within a Fab Lab context and with a co-creation approach. Fab Labs are often seen as platforms of innovative ideas that may become commercial solutions from which companies can profit. But they may also be seen as platforms for broader participation and new ways of collaborative engagement in design and innovation, pointing at alternative forms of user-driven production."
Alexandros Kontogeorgakopoulos
Alexandros Kontogeorgakopoulos je akademik, glasbenik in umetnik, ki s svojim teoretskim raziskovanjem in umetniško prakso deluje na presečišču umetnosti, znanosti in tehnologije. Je izredni profesor na Fakulteti za umetnost in oblikovanje v Cardiffu ter soustanovitelj transdisciplinarnega laboratorija znanosti in umetnosti oneContinuousLab.