6th Synthetist Meetup

Za vse, ki sezonske signale z užitkom pobirate, režete in pražite, bo v osmo/zi v torek, 29. oktobra, ob 19. uri organizirano 6. Sintetistično srečanje! Tokrat nadaljujemo z izdelavo Rollz-5 Petra Blasserja (alias Ciat Lombarde), ki omogoča medsebojno povezovanje in s tem sintetizacijo vase-pogrezajočih povratnih zank, stohastičnih LFO-jev in/ali kompleksnih perkusivnih eskalacij.

Z nadgradnjo delavnice se učimo osnov uporabe osciloskopa za merjenje/opazovanje signalov ter ustvarjanja XY podob z njimi (t.i. vector graphics), za zdravo mero antagonizma tovrstnemu početju pa bo na voljo tudi jam stage.

Srečanja vodi Staš Vrenko. 


Staš Vrenko

Staš Vrenko is an artist, musician and designer of electronic instruments. He holds a master’s degree from the Department of Sculpture at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Ljubljana. For his master’s thesis, he received the UL ALUO Prešeren Award for Students. His artistic practice traverses different fields of art, with an emphasis on research into sound, electronic media and technologies, kineticism, advanced fabrication technologies and performativity. In recent years, he has presented several solo projects, participated in festivals and exhibitions like U3, BIO, Pixxelpoint, IFCA, Kiblix and Lighting Guerrilla, and exhibited at many group exhibitions at home and abroad.