Kamizdat Rentgen | Kikiriki + Luka Prinčič, Neo-Cymex
The 13th edition of Rentgen is excited to present two well-known domestic noise artists to rattle your bones. It's been 10 years since Nina Farič started performing solo sets under the moniker Kikiriki - noise and it is our pleasure to host her at Osmo/za. Before appearing for the first time in concert with Luka Prinčič, a hardcore punker at heart and head of the record label Terraformer Research Facilities - Dejan Požegar - will present his solo project Neo-Cymex.
Line up:
+ VJ 5237
Information: kamizdat@emanat.si
Kamizdat releases and concert event series ▂Kamizdat Rentgen▂ in production of zavod Emanat are in collaboration with Ljubljana venues: Kavarna Pritličje, ŠKUC, Škuc Gallery, KUD Channel Zero
Nina Farič
Nina Farič - Kikiriki has been focusing on live sound experimentation using mainly analogue synthesizers and DIY electronic circuits. She is considered a true noise comrade in the region, a connoisseur of many underground artisans and communities that savour creating outside the conventional sound spectrum. She is known for her collaborations with sound artists (from collectives RadioCona, Osmo/za, Radarta, Cirkulacija²) and ongoing performing in Slovenia and the wider region (Austria, Germany, Netherlands, Czech Republic, Croatia etc.). In 2019 her work was featured on six releases, among them the solo cassette release for Harsh Noise London, the compilation Preslišano with Zvočni Prepihi, label for improvised and experimental music, and a live recording with Berlin-based Die! Goldstein from Kino Šiška Centre for Urban Culture. http://kikiriki.bandcamp.com/
Dejan Požegar
Dejan Požegar is known to many as member of bands IN4S, Wasserdicht, Wreck and Nakajima, some of which were active back in the 1980s. A few years ago he decided to start performing solo sets and, as Neo-Cymex, began creating dystopian drone noise landscapes. Rooting his work in spontaneous sound making and conveying a distinct sci-fi vision, Neo-Cymex has become an inseparable part of the domestic DIY scene also with his newly founded Terraformer Research Facilities label, with which he tries to support makers who share his vision. https://neo-cymex.bandcamp.com/ https://terraformerresearchfascilities.bandcamp.com/
Stella Ivšek
Stella Ivšek (1987) je oblikovalka ter multimedijska umetnica z Zasavskimi koreninami. Po končani likovni gimnaziji na Srednji šoli za oblikovanje in fotografijo je študirala na Akademiji za likovno umetnost in oblikovanje Ljubljana - smer vizualne komunikacije. Njeno področje dela je široko - zajema ilustracijo, oblikovanje, animacijo in video. Pod aliasom 5237 nastopa kot VJ, zanima jo živa generativna vizualizacija zvoka, mapiranje video projekcij ter video montaža. -> VJ 5237
Luka Prinčič
Luka Prinčič je glasbenik, performer in intermedijski umetnik. Ustvarja računalniško podprto elektronsko in eksperimentalno glasbo, potopitvene zvočne pokrajine, glasbo za oder in video. Izstopajoče je njegovo sodelovanje v plesnih projektih z avtorji, kot so Maja Delak, Matija Ferlin ali Maja Smrekar, z Majo Delak nastopa tudi v duu Wanda & Nova deViator. V zadnjem času je izdal odmevni plošči Requiem To The Future in Albatross EP in zaključil serijo avdiovizualnih performansov Razpoke vmesnika. Vodi Kamizdat, spletno založbo za raziskovalno elektronsko glasbo, v vsem tem, založniškem, raziskovalnem in ustvarjalnem delu ves čas razmišlja svojo vlogo v umetniškem družbenem sistemu.