
Museum of Modern Art, Cankarjeva 15, 1000 Ljubljana

Áron Birtalan, Alice Bucknell, Carina Erdmann, Cécile B. Evans, Klara Kofen, Lucia Pietroiusti, Lukáš Likavčan, Omsk Social Club

With a two-day symposium open to the public and the closed-door role-playing game that follows it, this year’s edition of ARIA navigates a twilight terrain of our very weird present where reality and fiction, familiar and alien, past and future mingle and cross-bleed.

ARIA’s Worlds’ End Symposium will focus on the interrelations of art, play and ecological thinking at the nexus of politics, asking which imaginaries should shape artistic and institutional practice in a time of a planetary upheaval.

More details and schedule coming soon! Stay tuned.


ARIA, Algo-Rhythmic Ideation Assembly
17– 23 August 2024

​​​​​​​Curated by: Tjaša Pogačar and Brandon Rosenbluth
Production: Projekt Atol Institute (Lara Mejač and Uroš Veber)
In collaboration with: Šum journal (Društvo Galerija Boks)
Co-Production: Museum of Modern Art Ljubljana, International Centre of Graphic Arts Ljubljana (MGLC)
Real game play design and facilitation: Omsk Social Club
Visual design: Nicola Tirabasso

ARIA is organized as part of the More-Than-Planet project, co-funded by the European Union as part of the Creative Europe framework and supported by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia, Ministry of Public Administration and the City of Ljubljana – Department for Culture.

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