Dan Adlešič | Sintrop
Syntrop is an immersive audio-visual installation dealing with particular notions from the world of physics. These are derived from the phenomenons of order and chaos or rather syntropy and entropy. Adlešič speculatively interprets the robustness of industrial processing of natural resources and the phenomena of syntropy - the tendency of chaos to form a kind of order by implementing different usages of electronic audio-visual tools and exploring their performative potentials. By addressing the different viscosities of relations among geological phenomena and their contemporary exploitation in the Anthropocene, he engages contemplation about nature's date of expiration, the temporary nature of all organic and inorganic systems and the geophysical, geopolitical and cultural crises.
At the confluence of media art and design, Adlešič establishes a syntropic audio-visual environment which engages the viewer at the sensory level in order to encourage contemplating the complexity of relations and the ontological shadows occupying the contemporary era.
Dan Adlešič
Dan Adlešič (1990) je multidisciplinarni umetnik in produktni oblikovalec, ki pogosto eksperimentira z različnimi materiali, tehnologijo in koncepti fikcije. Diplomiral je na ALUO in v tem času dobil ESSL Art glavno in dodatno nagrado. Magistriral je v letu 2015 na Design Academy Eindhoven smer Contextual Design s projektom Electricity is just like ... WOAH!, ki je bil pozneje predstavljen s strani vodilnega nizozemskega konceptualno oblikovalskega studia Makkink & Bey na bienalu arhitekture in urbanizma v Shenzhenu, Kitajska in v galeriji Ram v Roterdamu. V letu 2016 je projekt predstavil v obliki razstave v večjih galerijah po Evropi, kot na primer Rossana Orlandi v Milanu, Helsinki Design Museum in pa tudi kot performans v galeriji Palais de Tokyo v Parizu. V istem letu je imel samostojno razstavo Fikcija kot funkcija v Kinu Šiška, Ljubljana, razstavljaj je tudi na več kot 30 skupinskih razstavah doma in po svetu. V letu 2017 je sodeloval pri Bienalu oblikovanja BIO25 v Ljubljani, kjer se je razvil predhodnika instalacije Sintrop, ki je bila razstavljena v Županovi jami.